Sampling Programs - Design and Implementation

2017 - 2019

Puerto Rico Port Sampling And Catch Validation Project

The Most Comprehensive Caribbean Port Sampling Program Ever Conducted

-5,000 Sampling Events
-10,000 trips
-400,000 observed Pounds
-2 million estimated Pounds -287 species

Puerto Rico Survey landings

2014 - 2016

US Caribbean Port Sampling/Catch Validation Survey Design and Pilot Project

In 2014, Mer visited over 100 landings sites in Puerto Rico and over 45 in the United States Virgin Islands to estimated relative usage by interviews.  In 2014 and 2015, we conducted a pilot study on in both the USVI and Puerto Rico to determine variance structure and the samples necessary to achieve target precision in our estimates.  

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In 2010, Todd Gedamke was funded by the Coral Reef Conservation Program to conduct a full – shelf comprehensive and cooperative trap survey.  Two complimentary statistical designs were used:  1) a classic statistical based stratified random design (SRD) and  2) a model based approach we called the spatial optimal Design (SOD: developed by John Walter) to fill in gaps in the random allocation of SRD sites.  

The SOD employed a novel  algorithm that searched over a spatial grid that covered the entire fishable shelf of St. Croix. The algorithm iteratively identifies the location that would best fill in the spatial gaps of the existing samples, then assuming that this location has been added to the sample set, selects another location, and so on until our financially feasible target of 600 total stations was reached.


Pilot cooperative fishery independent survey on St. Croix

Puerto Rico Port Cooperative Lobster Trap Selectivity

2021 to Present

Design of Data Collection Program for Indonesia Tuna/Snapper Fisheries


Hurricane Maria Damage Assessment

Some of Our Other Sampling Initiatives and Projects

US Virgin Islands Recreational and Socioeconomic Pilot Sampling Program

2015 - 2016

United States Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Pilot Caribbean Commercial Landings Validation Program

2015 - 2016

Management Strategy Evaluation for Conch and Lobster in Belize